
SFM offers 3 main families of optical instruments for observing your samples, as well as a wide range of accessories.

stereo microscopes | microscopes | digital microscopes

Stereo Microscopes

Suitable for working on your samples without preparation.

They are designed with two optical paths (one for each eye) so that the observer can see the sample in 3D. They have just one objective, magnification which is made by a set of lenses located in the body of the stereomicroscope.

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Suitable for very high magnifications on prepared samples

They are designed with a single optical path. Both eyes therefore observe the same image. Depending on the lenses chosen, total magnification can exceed 1,000x.

Digital Microscopes

For inspection and digital documentation


Lighting to suit your observations

Lighting is essential for observing your samples. Whether you use a microscope, a stereo microscope, or a digital microscope, it will highlight any defects or objects you wish to observe.

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From observation to report

The camera on an optical instrument is the starting point for your observation history. It can be used to illustrate a quality report, or as a reference for digital analysis of your sample (interactive measurements, phase percentage, particle counting, etc.). We can offer you integrated cameras whose design matches that of the device, and cameras adaptable to video output.

Microscope Software Platforms

Inspect your images

Enersight and the LAS X software suite are the 2 microscope software platforms.


Upgrade your device

There are many accessories available to enhance your machine. Many are designed to improve workstation ergonomics.

Les systèmes d’analyse de matériaux

Parallax-free optics for observing your samples without preparation

They work like stereo microscopes but have only one optical path. This improves image quality. The advantage over stereomicroscopes is that the optical path is perpendicular to your sample.
